Monday, June 25, 2012

Each One Reach One

Each one reach one. That is a recruiting phrase we used in my company prior to my retirement.  It was a very effective marketing & recruiting strategy. Very simply, we wanted our agents and managers (more than 2,000 people) to recruit just one  person who could and would contribute to our company’s bottom line growth and expansion plans.

Well, I thought to myself the other day, SOME of the Sister Cities of Louisville members have been doing that for years. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get ALL of our membership to tell the great stories about Sister Cities and why our grassroots organization is the key to building understanding and mutual cooperation worldwide.

Now, before you go, “sure, sure, yeah, yeah”. I am living proof of each one reach one. Terry Stacy has been involved with Sister Cities AND a  gazillion student exchanges for — well—  a gazillion years.  She is a former president of our organization, was a Montpellier co-chair for many years, AND…she happens to be my mother-in-law. I no sooner “joined” her family, that I was being “encouraged” to join another family — Sister Cities of Louisville.

Roberta Hershberg and Sharon Receveur are two more vivid examples of the people who sing the praises of the Sister Cities mission. The individuals they reach, soon become supporters of Sister Cities. I can’t begin to name all the people who have been reaching out over the years encouraging membership. However, I urge ALL members of Sister Cities to begin recruiting to help our organization grow and achieve even greater accomplishments.

Sister Cities of Louisville may be one of the best kept secrets in town, but if all of our members begin to reach out and recruit, we’ll no longer be that best kept secret.

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